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Brands → Garcia Sabate Spain by ESF

Spanish manufacturer of modern bedroom furniture.

Storage kits: Mar and Anna are the same, rest of models have drawers.



 For more than 70 years the company designs and manufactures a wide range of home furnishings, taking special care of the product during all stages of production, from design to final product. Functional and modern pieces with a story behind them. Our furniture tells our story, a journey of crafts and national tradition together with design and modernity. An identity and philosophy that we transfer in each of our projects creating. And we believe that a home is not a true home until it is filled with moments, with life, with beautiful but functional furniture. For this reason, we want to inspire you to create spaces in which you feel comfortable and enjoy yourself to the fullest. Let yourself be guided by García Sabaté!


Anti-Tipping Safety Features


To comply with the latest anti-tipping regulations, our products include advanced safety features designed to enhance stability and prevent tip-overs.


Drawer Blocking System: Dressers and Chests


To ensure safe use, our dressers and chests feature a draw blocking system. This prevents multiple drawers from being opened simultaneously. Please see the illustration below:

✓ One drawer open

 All other drawers closed



Note: This system is implemented on dressers (single and double) and chests. Nightstands are exempt.



All Living room

All Bedroom room

Mar Bedroom stock item
Barcelona Bedroom (70% OFF!) stock item
Cordoba QS Bed (20% OFF!) stock item
Granada Bed stock item
Marbella Bed QS bed ONLY (70% OFF!) stock item
Cordoba QS Bedroom (20% OFF!) stock item
Mar Bed stock item
Marbella Bedroom QS (70% OFF!) stock item
Sara Bed stock item
Helen Bedroom stock item
Maya Bedroom stock item
Chic 016 special order
Chic 017 special order
Sara Bedroom stock item
Leo Bedroom stock item

All Dining room

All Wallunits

Granada TV Panel (20% OFF!) stock item
Granada TV Base w/Panel (20% OFF!) stock item
RP112 Soho Buffet special order
Composition CK01 special order
Composition CK02 special order
Composition CK03 special order
Composition CK04 special order
Composition CK05 special order
Composition CK06 special order
Composition CK06B special order
Composition CK07 special order
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Composition CK09 special order
Composition CK10 special order
Composition CK11 special order
Composition CK12 special order
Composition CK13 special order
Composition CK14 special order
Composition CK15B special order
Composition CK15 special order

All Stock Products

Mar Bedroom stock item
Barcelona Bedroom (70% OFF!) stock item
Cordoba QS Bed (20% OFF!) stock item
Granada Bed stock item
Marbella Bed QS bed ONLY (70% OFF!) stock item
Cordoba QS Bedroom (20% OFF!) stock item
Mar Bed stock item
Granada TV Panel (20% OFF!) stock item
Marbella Bedroom QS (70% OFF!) stock item
Helen Bedroom stock item
Sara Bed stock item
Maya Bedroom stock item
Sara Bedroom stock item
Leo Bedroom stock item
Cadiz Bedroom, Made in Spain (40% OFF!) stock item

All Special Order Products

Chic 016 special order
Chic 017 special order
YM 601 special order
RP112 Soho Buffet special order
YM38 special order
YM12 special order
YM14 special order
YM15 special order
YM16 special order
YM17 special order
YM18 special order
YM19 special order
YM21 special order
YM22 special order
YM23 special order
YM24 special order
YM25 special order
YM26 special order
YM27 special order
YM28 special order